Asiatic Lilies for Pots
Asiatic lilies are probably the most common and easily grown type of hybrid lily. They typically bear clusters of wide-flaring flowers atop strong stems. These shorter varieties are ideal for pots, terraces, patios and conservatories.
Strawberry Event
Luxuriously dark Tiger lily ‘Strawberry Event’ brings mystery and allure to summer borders.
Appearing in abundance, the beautiful deep-red blooms hang shyly from tall, sturdy stems. Petals deepen to almost black towards their centres, where they hold a cluster of long stamens and velvet orange anthers.
Particularly effective when grown in groups, as a sweeping ribbon through a large border. Enhance the rich tones with zingy green foliage, soft apricot, and terracotta shades.
Compact Asiatic lily ‘Foxtrot’ is a delicate, yet showy beauty for feature summer containers and patio pots.
Soft salmon-pink blooms with dark pink veins and a lemony centre bloom atop sturdy stems throughout June and July. Numerous lime green buds produce an abundance of blooms over several weeks.
Shorter than many lily varieties at 45cm tall, the stems are still long enough for cutting and adding impact to summery floral displays and colourful bouquets. Flowers will last over a week in a vase of fresh water.
The flowers bear little or no perfume – if this is important to you, we recommend planting next to Oriental or Lotus lilies to compliment and introduce scent into the garden.
Lava Joy
Bright orange blooms bring a fiery energy to borders and beds. Lava Joy captivates with its luminous petals, adding a touch of ‘heat’ to your summer garden.
Every flower contributes vivid colour, creating a key feature which peps up any garden spot. Lava Joy is a good choice for sunny aspects needing excitement.
Bronzed red petals and deep green leaves make Lily Salinero a striking addition to your garden borders. Each bloom combines earthy tones with rich texture, adding depth and radiance.
This Asiatic lily adds a sophisticated charm, well-suited for generating dramatic, bold summer arrangements.
The lustrous white blooms of lilium ‘Gwen’ will gleam like precious pearls in your garden. Generous, broad blooms are held on short, sturdy stems which are densely covered with glossy leaves.
Reaching a petite height of 45cm, this neat variety is ideal for filling containers and edging borders. Upward-facing flowers open early in June and are produced over a long period. This Asian hybrid has a barely discernible scent – an excellent choice for those who usually find the fragrance of lilies overpowering.
Captivating with its refined, simple elegance, ‘Gwen’ is a chic and stylish addition to your summer display.